Dianne & Rodrigo (First time home buyer investors) Colombia

We would like to express our sincerest recommendation for Alberto Carmona. Throughout the entire process of buying our house, Alberto demonstrated exceptional professionalism, expertise, and knowledge. He was always available to answer our questions and provide guidance, making the entire process much easier and less stressful.

His patience and commitment to customer satisfaction are truly remarkable, thanks to his support, we were able to find the perfect property for us. I have no hesitation in recommending Alberto Carmona to anyone looking for a reliable and competent Real Estate Agent.  

Yalí y ronald (First time home buyer investors) Colombia

Recomiendo altamente a Alberto y a Nicole, son personas muy profesionales y desde el día uno estuvieron muy pendientes de nosotros y nos ayudaron a cumplir nuestro objetivo de comprar casa en Canadá. Me encanto que nos dieron opciones para nuestro caso puntual, fue propositivo y  excelentes intermediarios con la constructora. El servicio que brindan transciende más allá de una venta, asesoran con conocimiento del mercado de Manitoba, nos acompañaron en cada parte del proceso, incluso después de la posesión siempre han estado dispuestos a ayudar.

Laura y Johan (First time home buyer investors) colombia

Tuvimos el placer de trabajar con Alberto Carmona en la compra de nuestra primera casa, y puedo recomendarlo sin ninguna duda. Desde el primer día, Alberto demostró una amabilidad y disposición excepcionales que hicieron todo el proceso mucho más llevadero y agradable.

Su conocimiento del mercado y su habilidad para entender nuestras necesidades y deseos fueron impresionantes. Siempre estuvo presente para responder a nuestras preguntas, ya fuera en persona, por teléfono o por correo electrónico, y nos guió pacientemente a través de cada paso del proceso. Su disponibilidad constante nos dio una gran tranquilidad, sabiendo que podíamos contar con él en cualquier momento.

Lo que realmente destacó fue su compromiso en encontrar la mejor opción para mi familia y para mí. No se conformó con mostrarnos cualquier casa; se aseguró de que cada opción cumpliera con nuestras expectativas y requisitos. Nos brindó su opinión honesta y profesional en cada visita, y nunca sentimos presión para tomar una decisión apresurada.

Gracias a su dedicación y esfuerzo, ahora estamos viviendo en la casa de nuestros sueños. La experiencia fue mucho más fluida y agradable de lo que jamás hubiéramos imaginado, y estamos profundamente agradecidos por su ayuda incondicional.

Si estás buscando a alguien que no solo sea un experto en bienes raíces, sino que también se preocupe genuinamente por tus necesidades y haga de la compra de una casa una experiencia positiva y memorable, Alberto Carmona es sin duda el mejor aliado que podrías tener en este importante viaje.

Alejandra y Jose roberto (First time home buyer investors) mexico

My wife and I are very grateful with all the team, specially with Nicole and Alberto who exceeded our expectations. They assisted us through all the process and helped us to obtain a good deal for our home. Even though we didn’t have any experience, they made the process very smooth and helped us with an honest and professional opinion.

Mayra (First time home buyer investors) colombia

We cannot be more happy and grateful with Alberto’s assistance! Since moment one he identified what we were looking for. His support and advices were hugely helpful!!

Walter (First time home buyer investors) colombia

He just helped us to buy our first apartment in Winnipeg, we highly recommend him as a realtor, he is so honest and reliable, all the process took just about 4 weeks from the day we saw the first condo until we did the close paper works. 100% recommended!

Bruno & carla (First time home buyer) Peru

“ We are very pleased with the experience we had with Alberto as our real estate agent. From day one, Alberto was incredibly attentive and helpful. His meticulous attention to every detail and willingness to assist us at every step of the process provided us with great peace of mind, especially as first-time buyers in Canada. Alberto not only answered all our questions but also guided us with professionalism and dedication. We would recommend him again and again without hesitation!”


Reciba un cordial saludo atraves de la presente,queremos agradecer y  darle las gracias a Alberto Carmona por que su ayuda incondicional y sus buenos consejos durante todos estos años al servicio de nuestra familia no sólo como un gran profesional pero como un buen Amigo.

 Alberto siempre a estado al servicio de nuestra familia durante tres generaciones en la compra y venta de nuestras propiedades,gracias por su paciencia y carisma con todos Alberto sinduda a desmontado ser una persona con valores, deseo por ayudar y muy amable, sepa que siempre le estaremos agradecidos. 

Esperamos estar siempre en contacto con usted y deseamos que su futuro esté lleno de éxitos.

We want to thank Alberto Carmona for his unconditional help and good advice during all these years being of service to our family, not only as a great professional but as a good friend.

Alberto has been of service to our family for three generations in the purchase and sale of our properties. Thank you for your patience and charisma!  Alberto has undoubtedly shown that he is a person with strong values and a desire to help others and is very kind. Just know that we always will be be grateful.

We hope to always be in contact with you and we hope that your future is full of success.

paulo S. & clarissa a. (real estate investors)Brazil

We met Alberto through an open house at Madison Street in 2018. Since the beginning, he was very attentive to our needs and he quickly understood what we were looking for. After this visit, we visited some other houses, condos, and duplexes. He always demonstrated patience to understand what we wanted and we can say that he really worked for us. He was not pushy, and he never tried to show something that was not appropriate for us. He is very client-oriented. We decided to invest in real estate and so far, we bought 5 properties with Alberto.

We highly recommend Alberto as a real estate agent!

Pablo R. & Alexandra A. (First-time home buyers)  Colombia

The process of buying our first home in Canada was such an amazing experience, Alberto walked us through, throughout the entire process. Initially, we thought that it would be a waste of time to use a realtor when we wanted to buy a new house. But it was the best decision ever.  Alberto, his team, and his referrals made the process a great experience. It is really hard to understand sometimes, documentation, times, processes, the right person to reach out to, and the right email to send, Alberto did it so easily for us, and let us feel confident in all the steps of this process.


Last thing, he is extremely punctual, we really appreciate that.


We were so fortunate to have found Alberto when we moved to Winnipeg, we had only 3 months here when we decided to start the home-buying process. Alberto made the entire experience seamless and stress-free for us. He was knowledgeable about the area and took the time to understand our specific needs and preferences.

From the first meeting, Alberto listened to us and provided helpful advice, guiding us every step of the way. He was always available to answer our questions and address any concerns we had, even outside of normal business hours. Alberto made us feel comfortable and confident throughout the entire process, and we felt like we were in good hands.

He went above and beyond in helping us, he was patient, understanding, responsive, and a pleasure to work with.

Thanks to Alberto's expertise and guidance, we were able to find and purchase our home. We couldn't be happier with our experience and would highly recommend Alberto to anyone looking for a realtor in the area. Thank you, Alberto, for all of your hard work

 My wife Carine and I met Alberto in 2021. He helped us three times in buying and selling houses. Now is willing to help us buy and rent properties. Alberto is not only our real estate broker but is also our mentor. He is always ready to assist us when we have real estate issues. We really appreciate and recommend any who needs to buy or sell a house to contact Alberto. 

Cristina P. (First time home buyer) ecuador

Buying a house is a complex decision and for me it was even more because I am relatively new to the city. When I contacted Alberto, he showed pure professionalism from start to finish. I received not only immediate response but also valuable information. I was impressed that he was always so many steps ahead in my process and guided me along this path. In less than three months I moved to my place. Alberto made me feel that buying my first apartment was possible and easy.  


We are really grateful to have Alberto as our real estate advisor! He always advises us toward our interests and goals and has been with us until this day. We recommend him as a real estate advisor!

Thank you so much Alberto for all your help!



I have known Alberto for 2 years now. I met him when I was looking for a property to buy,  there’s house for sale sign and apparently he’s the agent. I went and look the place, ask questions and he’s very accommodating and friendly. I went to the financial institution the  next day to get a loan w/ 20% down payment was turn down. At that point I don’t know what to do. I told Alberto the situation that my bank would not approve the loan. He hooked me up with Mike Cabral (great guy) did his thing and finally transaction went smoothly. To me Alberto has connections, relentlessly willing to help.  he’s  God send to me and we become friends. I contacted him again for the second property and went well also. I highly recommend Alberto, without a doubt he’s the best  Realtor I dealt with. 

Thank you


Hi, Alberto thanks so much for finding my new home. I’m very happy that I found a really nice home at a good price! Now I even have good equity! Will recommend your services anytime!


Thank you very much for your time and help with your advice to choose and buy the house of our dreams!!  You and your entire team were very professional with us advising and supporting us during the process, from searching and scouting places, always with your kind and helpful hand to support each step during the process.

Professionalism and excellence are the best qualities that define your service!!  Thank you very much AMIGO Alberto Carmona!!


Conocimos a Alberto en 2019 y desde el primer día fue una persona completamente honesta y transparente.

Nos ayudó a entender el mercado de Real Estate y siempre fue profesional y paciente con todas nuestras preguntas y visitas.

Cuando decidimos comprar nuestra casa en 2022, nos apoyó de principio a fin con todos los pasos previos y posteriores que sucederían durante el mismo. 

Todo siempre estuvo claramente explicado y el seguimiento por su parte superó nuestras expectativas.

Al día de hoy Alberto sigue en contacto con nosotros y lo consideramos un amigo de la familia. Siempre estaremos muy agradecidos por su servicio, su trato y su amistad. 


Buenas tardes Alberto, 

Cuando el plan de comprar una  casa empieza, es difícil encontrar un ascesor del tema y más aún en un sito para empezar desde  cero. Con Alberto nosotros encontramos  más que un ascesor, encontramos un amigo  que hoy forma parte de la familia y encuentra lo que el cliente requiere para tener un  hogar. 100% confianza y honestidad para hacer realidad tu sueño y tener tu casa propia.

Gracias Alberto! Seguimos en Contacto!


Estimado Alberto buenas tardes.

Para mi es un gusto el poder dirigirme a usted para agradecerle por sus servicios en la venta de la casa a mi hijo Christian, fue muy elocuente su profesionalidad, su amabilidad, y entrega total, hasta la finalizaciòn del cierre del compromiso, sin importar los tiempos o visitas a un sinnùmero de propiedades, lo que significò una compra que para nosotros era la màs adecuada.

Gracias, muchas gracias nuevamente mi estimado Alberto, y seguro que si se presentare una nueva oportunidad,  no dudarìa en contactarle.

Un abrazo grande a la distancia, y esperamos que en algún momento pueda visitar nuestro pais.


Mi estimado Alberto:

Hay ocasiones en que no encontramos el léxico apropiado de un agradecimiento profundo.

Me he permitido observar que es una persona que defiende la dignidad humana, siente con el corazón la necesidad de ayudar a las personas que ameritan un buen vivir.

Su trabajo demuestra su profesionalidad y mucho esmero hacia las personas que requieren cómo fue en nuestro caso una propiedad, la misma que lo logramos después de toda su entrega y tiempo ilimitado, hasta lograr satisfacer a sus clientes.

Con un abrazo fraterno me despido, deseándole salud,paz,éxito,abundancia, y mucha prosperidad.

Amy & Ray L. (Seller and Buyer) Philippines

Alberto was great to work with.

He answered every question that we had and guided us through the entire home-buying process.  

He was always readily available every time we call him.

He was very polite, patient, helpful, and very professional in dealing with us.

We would highly recommend him.

Thank you very much, Alberto for a job well done!

cindy & jose (first time home buyers) colombia

Llegar a Canadá fue un sueño muy especial que teníamos como familia, pero nunca imaginamos que comprar nuestra casa sería tan rápido. A los pocos meses de llegar a Canadá tuvimos la oportunidad de conocer a Alberto y así tener una charla sobre compra de vivienda para familias que llegan a Canadá. Esta charla amplio nuestra mente y permitió organizar un plan de trabajo familiar. Después de 3 años en Canadá, recibimos las llaves de nuestra casa gracias a la asesoría y acompañamiento de Alberto, sin él esta historia hubiese sido muy diferente. 

Gracias por todo Alberto, te esperamos en nuestra casa cuando quieras pasar. 

daniel & andrea (2nd home purchase and investor) colombia

Alberto si que es tu amigo en la finca raíz. Él siempre tiene la mejor voluntad para ayudar, a pesar de su apretada agenda, siempre busca el tiempo para reunirse con sus clientes. Alberto te hace sentir como si lo conocieras desde hace mucho tiempo lo cual permite que uno pueda confiar en él rápidamente Mi esposa y yo estamos muy agradecidos por toda la paciencia que ha tenido con nosotros. No te arrepentirás al tener a Alberto como tu agente de bienes raíces.

Alberto is indeed your friend in real estate. He is always willing to help, despite his busy schedule, he always finds the time to meet with his clients. Alberto makes you feel as if you have known him for a long time which allows one to quickly trust him. My wife and I are very grateful for all the patience he has had with us. You will not regret having Alberto as your real estate agent.

Un abrazo

felipe S. & thais V. (first time home buyers) brazil

We had a very good experience with Alberto in the process of finding the right Home. We knew what we were looking for and the budget we had and he presented us with some options, but the first one he presented was the perfect one and we are loving it. He was super gentle and attended to all the details required for us to be satisfied with the deal and the process. We recommend him 100%. Thank you for helping us achieve this dream!

alex & yasmin (first time home buyers) panama

Llegamos a Alberto gracias a las redes sociales. Nos pusimos en contacto a través de una llamada y lo primero que acordamos fue una asesoría en su oficina explicando diversos temas relacionados con los pasos para comprar una propiedad y como estaba el mercado inmobiliario de Winnipeg.

Alberto esta muy informado, conoce el mercado y la ciudad. Trabaja sin parar con el mejor deseo de encontrar la propiedad que el cliente necesita. Logro identificar nuestro presupuesto y lo básico que necesitábamos en términos de una casa. 

El mismo dia de nuestra primera reunion nos llevó en la primera cita para ver un proyecto nuevo del cual quedamos encantados y de hecho encajaba en el presupuesto. 

Al día siguiente separamos la unidad y empezamos el trámite el cual fue muy rapido. 

Alberto siempre ha estado con nosotros, desde el principio hasta la parte final de inspección y firma de documentos: siempre explicando los pasos que venían, etc. Siempre muy atento y en todo momento disponible al teléfono.

Nosotros recomendamos 100% a nuestro amigo Alberto, con seguridad encontrarán un servicio de calidad y con mucho talento. Alberto conoce mucha gente desde personas particulares, companias inmobiliarias, abogados, asesores financieros, entre otros.

Alberto, muchas gracias por su servicio, talento y amistad!

Buenas noches y mil gracias por todo.

Quedamos a sus ordenes

juliana m & cristian a. (first time home buyers) colombia

Nuestra experiencia ha sido de lo mas gratificante desde principio a fin. En nuestra cabeza no estaba comprar una propiedad, pero gracias a Alberto y sus consejos logramos entender que si podiamos hacerlo y no solo eso que podiamos conseguir algo totalmente a nuestro gusto. De la mano de Alberto pudimos conocer las diferentes opciones que el mercado en Winnipeg tenia que ofrecer, pudimos conocer de primera mano y visitar cada una de las opciones, y algo que nos gusto mucho es que en ningun momento sentimos presion o nos sentimos forzados a tomar una decision, y para nosotros en lo personal eso es muy valioso, ya que sentimos el acompanamiento de Alberto como un beneficio muy grande. Aprendimos mucho de casas y apartamentos, y descubrimos cual era la mejor opcion para nosotros. Tambien sentimos que mas que un realtor se convirtio en un amigo nuestro durante el proceso, que nos asesoro de manera honesta y transparente, mostrandonos las ventajas y desventajas en cada una de las propiedades que visitabamos, lo cual nos permitio tomar la mejor decision. Ademas de esto la casa que escogimos nos ha hecho muy felices, ya llevamos en ella 2 meses y estamos muy contentos con la eleccion, y Alberto siempre estuvo en cada parte del proceso, de manera especial ha dado mucho de si para que tuvieramos lo que queriamos, y le agredecemos mucho su trabajo y dedicacion.

Adriana, emilio & harold (first time home buyers) colombia

Hola Alberto,

Esperamos estas palabras pueda traer mas prosperidad para ud y su familia. 

As a newcomer, buying a house is a large asset, however, the process to buy it without a doubt can be stressful. The opportunity to have Alberto Carmona working with us provided us with reliability and trust throughout this process. His honesty along with his extensive experience and knowledge in the field gave us the confidence to achieve our new home in Winnipeg.

Thank you for your constant support.


Hi Alberto,

Thank you so much for your hard work in finding a house that fits our requirements and budget. You were so kind and patient, and we appreciate your help.

We will definitely recommend you to our friends.

rafaela F. (first time home buyer) brazil

Alberto was of great importance in the process of purchasing my house. As a first home buyer, I had many questions and did not understand at all the process of buying a home in Canada. Alberto walked me through all the steps and demonstrated patience and honesty in answering all my questions. 

He was always very attentive to details and noted points that he had not observed.

Many, many thanks to Alberto for helping me in this huge step of my life.

The purchase of my first home.

Thank you.

felipe c. (first time home buyer & investor) colombia

El señor Alberto Carmona además de ser una gran persona es un gran realtor.  Me ayudó bastante en la búsqueda de mi nueva casa. El siempre estuvo pendiente de enviarme la información  de las casas y condominios que se ajustaban a mis necesidades y presupuesto. Fue un proceso largo, casi 8 meses.  El siempre estuvo pendiente de mi proceso y al final logramos conseguir una muy buena opción para comprar.

Es un realtor que recomiendo mucho.

Muchas gracias Alberto por toda la ayuda y muchos éxitos en su trabajo.

Sandra & Brandon (first time home buyers) El Salvador

We recommend Alberto to anyone who is looking to buy or sell their home. Alberto provided outstanding customer service as we were on the search for our first home. He is amazing at what he does and will not stop until your happy. Professional, patient and helpful during the entire process. THANK YOU ALBERTO!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Gracias por su ayuda en este proceso!!

Yolo O & Ricardo G (second time home buyer and seller) mexico

Alberto Carmona was very kind, professional, and patient with us during our home transition in Covid times. Not only was he very informative when helping us choose a house, but he also went above and beyond by making this experience as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. We highly recommend Alberto's services to anyone needing a realtor.

Heather & Omar M (First time home buyers)  Jamaica

Working with Alberto was a pleasant experience.

This is our first home and a very big deal for us as we don’t plan to relocate anytime soon. Having Alberto to guide us and to answer all our queries in his usual pleasant manner was refreshing. Very professional, patient and made our first time buying experience a fruitful one.

He listens and understands what each person wanted and what the family as a whole wanted. As my husband and I had completely different needs, He was able to find the perfect home for us – I got what I wanted and my husband got what he wanted.

We can now make our house a home.

Thank you Alberto.

Scotia S. (First time home buyer-condominium/investor) Canada

Hi Alberto, 

My buying experience was amazing! I couldn’t have asked for a better real estate agent than you. You were very attentive to my wants/needs and showed me places accordingly. I never felt rushed or pressured into buying anything and you always gave your honest opinion about each property we looked at. 

You are very professional and always timely, as well as a great communicator.

I was able to trust you and know you were very resourceful and knowledgeable. You also came very well prepared for each property we looked at. 

I would highly recommend your services and expertise to anyone I know and if I ever need a real estate agent in the future, I will be sure to contact you. 

Thank you again for helping me find my first home!! 


Wanda and Kirkland K (First time home buyer/investors)  Canada & Jamaica

Hello Alberto, 

I have to say we can't thank you enough for helping us with the purchase of our new home! We love it here! I have to say on behalf of myself & Kirtland, that we so appreciated the time you took to make the entire process seamless, no hiccups and always quick to respond when we had questions. Being first time homebuyers we had questions, lots of questions, and you went above and beyond with understanding and patience. 

With kind regards from our hearts,

Thank you.

Michael & Christiana O (First time home buyers)  Nigeria

Dear Alberto,

On behalf of my wife and I, we wish to express our thanks and appreciation to you, on your relentless drive in ensuring that we get and buy a good house of our specification and location. I could recall how we were calling and texting you and at all times you were there to answer us. Your service as a realtor was impeccable. We hope to continue with your services when the need arises in the future.

Thank you.

Leonardo C, Carolina D L (First time home buyers)  Ecuador

My name is Leonardo, me, my wife and my two kids arrived in Winnipeg, MB in February 2018. Since we planned to come to Canada, our main goal was to settle down and find a new home for our children.

In mid of 2019 we started the process of looking for options to purchase a house, this goal could have not been successfully achieved without the experience and accurate assistance from Alberto Carmona.

Alberto had all the patience and will to visit several places and show us the best fit for our needs. Furthermore, Alberto went with us through the purchase process; indeed, he did a follow up of our progress until we finally arrived at our new house.

Summarizing, that is what I call great customer service!

Thank you Alberto,

Yolanda C.  (Home buyer)  Mexico

Primeramente quiero decirle: Me siento muy afortunada de tenerlo como mi agente de bienes y raíces. Porque usted no solo me encontró una casa, también me asesoró de manera muy profesional lo cual lo agradezco infinitamente. Además, por su conocimiento y experiencia lo hace más confiable.

Muchas gracias mi familia y yo agradecemos sus atenciones y servicio.

Billy N and Darlene M (Sellers & 2nd home purchase)  Canada

In the Spring of 2020, Alberto began the process of assisting my family and I, to sell our current home and purchase a new home. In a few months our previous home was sold and we were now in our beautiful new home thanks to the amazing work and dedication of Alberto. He immediately went to work on our plan; he was accessible, very knowledgeable and took the time to answer our questions and clearly explained the process as we moved along. We were very happy with the services Alberto provided; he is warm, genuine and a kind man as well, which made this big life change a lot easier to go through.

I highly recommend Alberto, he's a true professional, with high ethical standards and integrity.

Phu Luc / Jay (First time home buyer) Vietnam

I’m Phu Luc Phan who recently got the first house at the address 1030 Alfred Ave. By choosing Mr. Alberto as my realtor, I am definitely pleased about his service that helps me to buy the house I’m looking for. Mr Alberto is very enthusiastic to do research for those houses that are straight to my interest with his expertise and knowledge of real estate. He also analyzed the pros and cons of those houses I had viewed so that I could consider and make the right decision of purchasing the house I mentioned above.

All thanks to Mr. Alberto for his great job to me. I highly appreciate his help and really want to work with him for a future property I may buy. And I’ll recommend him to anyone in my family and my friends to be their realtor whenever they want to buy a property.

All in all, I have nothing to say other than a big thank you to my buddy, Mr. Alberto for his job.

Thanks and best regards

Rahul Rajeev (First time home buyer)  India

Alberto is the best realtor you could find in Winnipeg! I worked with a few realtors before purchasing my first home. But nobody matched the personal care, professionalism and expertise that Alberto possessed. He was instrumental in finding the right house for my budget. He even spent money from his pocket to change out locks for us. His commitment didn't end there, he continued his relationship with us to this day, even 5 months after our home purchase. I highly recommend Alberto to anyone who is looking for their dream home! Gracias Mi Amigo!


Caity B. and Samuel J. (Second home purchase)  Ontario Canada & Mexico

Hi Alberto, 

I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Alberto and his team for helping us not just sell our house but also find our new perfect home! Alberto worked night and day to help us with all our needs. In selling our house, he was attentive and knowledgeable- knew the best times to show the house, have open houses, when to follow up with other realtors, and was always open and honest with us. Selling a house and opening it up to strangers, especially during a pandemic was intimidating but Alberto’s expertise, professionalism, and knowledge of the rules and regulation left us with no doubts. 

We looked at MANY homes in our search for the perfect one and he was always willing to meet us on evenings, weekends or whenever our schedules allowed. As we were not to touch anything in the home (pandemic rules), Alberto was always willing to help us see every part of the house. Our children had him open every door, closet, and cabinet- sometimes twice- and he kept them smiling. They loved meeting up with Alberto and still get excited when they see him long after we have settled.

We could not be happier with where we ended up and how we got here. He was fair, honest, tough when needed and someone we will always trust. 

Thank you for everything!

Nathalia R & Pablo M (Second home buyer)  Colombia!

Greetings and thanks a million!!!

First of all, Nathalia and I would like to say thank you, you are the best realtor ever!!! Undoubtedly, you were a key partner along the process to buy our second house here in Winnipeg; Your savvy advice and the approach you had during the different stages of the process not only shows how competent you are, but also reflect your professionalism and diligence always trying to protect the customers' interests.

We all know that buying a house is not a quick and easy task, however you made our experience much more friendly and at the end the results are there to prove it!

Once again thanks a lot for the follow up during the whole process and all the efforts you put in place to help our dreams come true!

Sincere thanks and best regards,

Elizabeth D (First time home buyer)  Colombia

Mr. Carmona was the best choice we could have ever made regarding a realtor.  His demeanor is professional and he is a very reliable person,  committed to do a great job when it comes to assisting people in their first home purchase. 

We honestly didn't have much knowledge about the process of acquiring a home in Canada,  but Mr. Carmona showed a great deal of experience and connections that made the whole thing run smoothly. His assistance was key for us to be able to get into our new home.  

Questions of all types were always answered in a timely manner and our needs and expectations were always well taken care of.  I would recommend him to whoever needs to do the purchase of a home. Especially to those who are new to Canada and are not really familiar with the whole process, and the English terminology for it,  as he speaks Spanish as well.

Thank you very much once again Don Alberto!

Erick M, Estefany M (First time home buyers) Guatemala & California USA!

Alberto Carmona es una persona muy servicial y atenta, siempre anda buscando las mejores opciones para sus clientes. Durante un mes que nosotros estuvimos buscando casa él estuvo muy servicial con mi esposa y yo, siempre mandandonos casas y siempre estuvo en contacto con nosotros. 

Él nos ayudó a conseguir la casa que era para nosotros, él nos ayudó con todo los trámites, desde la primera llamada que le di hasta que nos entregaron las llaves de nuestra casa. 

Alberto no solo es un buen Realtor pero también un buen amigo que siempre va a estar disponible a la hora que le llames. Nosotros lo recomendamos para buscar su nueva casa. 

Hernando O (Seller/Investor) Colombia!

Estimado Alberto,

Gracias por el trabajo realizado. Su constancia y esfuerzo hicieron posible que culminará con la venta del condominio de Creek Bend. Estamos viviendo momentos difíciles en donde todos los negocios se han puesto difíciles y usted hizo posible que el apartamento se vendiera Desde que yo lo conocí a usted vi la energía que le pone a los negocios.

A pesar de las dificultades del mercado con sobreoferta de apartamentos nuevos y usados en Winnipeg, usted siempre tuvo una alternativa de venta . Agradezco la administración del apartamento que estuvo arrendado mientras se vendía. Su servicio al cliente es excelente.

Gracias Alberto 

Africah and Clemence (Home buyers/Sellers) - Winnipeg!

Dear Alberto, 

It has been two weeks now,  my family and I have settled in our new house that you tirelessly help us to find. We will be referring you to all our friends because of your ABOVE excellent services. 

Amigo, you did exactly what anyone looking for an agent would wish for - Respect, Quick move and Success

Once again thank you Amigo

Ollini, Thinky Z (First time home buyers) - Liberia & Zimbabwe!


My wife and I had a dream of buying a home closer to where we work and conducive to raising our new family. Alberto Carmano and his skilled team helped make that dream come true. The house hunting went smoothly and we just bought the ideal new place we are super excited to call home. 

Nobody knows the realtor market in Winnipeg like Alberto. He was super fun and patient. Always went the extra mile to make us feel comfortable in finding our new home. Without his expert advice and guidance this dream won't be a reality.

Thanks to Alberto we finally have a home. Thanks Amigo! Great guy! Always stylish! 

God bless

Feven T, Semere K (First time home buyers) Ethiopia

We are so lucky to have Alberto as our realtor for our first house in Winnipeg. He is very professional, punctual, knowledgeable and was sending us new house listings as soon as they came out. We have very specific requirements while looking for a house and Alberto helped us find our dream home that checks every tick box we asked for and more.

Alberto is always there for us when we need and help us connect with other service providers such as mortgage brokers, home inspectors, lawyers and locksmith.

We highly recommend Alberto as your realtor, especially first time home buyers like us!

Jack & Alison  (First time home buyer)  Canada

Hi Alberto, 

We purchased our first home this past February and were fortunate enough to have had Alberto agree to help us with the process. 

Buying a home can be stressful for anyone, especially first time buyers, but Alberto was so unbelievably helpful and attentive to us during the whole process that we never had anything to worry about. 

We considered asking a few different realtors to represent us, but upon our first meeting with Alberto, we were both positive that he was the one we wanted to work with. 

He is an absolute professional in what he does and always took the time to answer our texts and/or calls almost immediately and went out of his way to aid us in any way he could. Even after we had purchased our home, he still reached out to us with advice on how to smoothly transition into our house and to see how we were doing. He certainly exceeded our expectations of what working with a realtor would be like. 

We cannot stress enough how happy we were to have worked with Alberto and would certainly recommend him to anyone who is looking to buy or sell their home. 

Nhan Phan (Condominium purchase/Investor) Vietnam

Hello Alberto,

I am so lucky to have you as a Realtor.

You are really diligent, friendly and take good care of your clients.

Absolutely happy and satisfied with your services.

You will definitely be recommended to my family members and friends.

Thank you so much for everything you have done for me.

A Torres de M (Primeros compradores/vendedores) - República Dominicana

Hola Señor Alberto,

Quiero agradecerle mucho por su buen trabajo que usted a hecho por me y mis familiares, en primer lugar por darme buenos consejos para comprar mi primera casa y en segundo por ayudarme a vender mi casa y darme de nuevo unos muy buenos consejos. Mis familiares y Yo estamos muy agradecidos con usted y su buen trabajo que usted a venido haciendo por mucho tiempo con nosotros.

Mil gracias de nuevo y no dude que Yo siempre lo buscare y lo recomendare siempre!  

Mil gracias Alberto.

Mauricio B, Ester G  (Primeros compradores en Thompson MB) - El Salvador

Estimado Alberto, 

Muchas gracias por su ayuda en la compra de nuestra primera casa. Para nosotros fue muy importante contar con su apoyo en todas las etapas de la compra; incluyendo sus correos diarios con diferentes opciones de compra, su compañía para visitar las casas disponibles y su asesoría respecto a las ventajas y desventajas de las diferentes propiedades. 

Le agradecemos sobretodo haberse tomado unos días para acompañarnos hasta Thompson (ciudad a ocho horas de Winnipeg), brindándonos su consejo experto en las condiciones de las casas que habíamos considerado como opciones de compra. 

No dudamos en recomendar su excelente servicio profesional! 

Fabian G, Yenny G (Primeros compradores) Colombia

Queremos agradecer por el excelente servicio del señor Alberto Carmona por la asesoría  en la compra de nuestra primera casa, y su atención constante Antes, durante y después de adquirirla. Deseamos muchas bendiciones y agradecemos su colaboración prestada como real estate.

Shirley B (Investor/condominium purchase)  Canada

For anyone interested in buying or selling real estate Alberto is your man.  After a major life change in my world Alberto stepped up to the plate and helped me find the perfect housing solution. His service didn’t just stop there. He found the perfect trades people to assist in my settlement. Every professional that he provided was an absolute reflection of Alberto‘s personal high standards.

I look forward to continuing to do business with this top notch professional and if you’re looking for someone to work with I would suggest you give Alberto a call.

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